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School News

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  • Another 'Good' rating from Ofsted!

    Published 21/01/19
    Shottermill Junior School is delighted to have secured another 'Good' rating from Ofsted, in its most recent inspection in December 2018.    The inspector praised the quality of the curriculum on offer at the
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  • WWI Centenary 2018 & Remembrance

    Published 06/11/18

    The children have been learning about the importance of WWI and the Great War through our poppy appeal and through the commemorative wreaths hanging on our wall near the main entrance.  Children from the School Council will be laying the wreaths on 11th November at two local Remembrance Services.  

    Iris and Alex Sinclair also prepared a moving assembly to tell us their personal story about a member of  their family lost in military circumstances at the age of 19.  Relatives of the family were awarded the Elizabeth Cross, which we were able to show to the children. 

    Click below to open their presentation.

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  • Feeling Good Week 2018 -Resilience

    Published 25/07/18

    The children took part in Feeling Good Week, which focussed on a theme of building resilience and developing positive mental health in our pupils.  Activities included a Growth Mindset NED talk, Confidence Workshops, peer massage, Theatre Monkeys, STOMP as well as our Shottermill Sports Day!

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  • Choral Poetry Competition won by 5T

    Published 25/07/18

    We held another hugely successful Choral Poetry Competition this summer term, where all classes performed in front of the judging panel and parents.  Congratulations to 5T class who won with their inspirational performance of Macbeth.  Special thanks to Sue from Haslemere Bookshop, who came along to help judge the performances for a third year running!

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  • Shottermill hosts its first Inter-School Art Competition

    Published 25/07/18

    We were delighted to host our first ever inter-school Art Competition, on the theme of Celebration of Summer for pupils across the Haslemere Confederation of schools.  Pupils from St Bart's, Beacon Hill and Shottermill Juniors all won prizes.  Thank you to Olga Houghton Head of Art from Highfield School who helped to judge the work with Mr Brian Moulds, Chair of Governors.

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  • Year 6 Business Enterprise

    Published 25/07/18

    Year 6 raised over £800 through their Business Enterprise project.  Thank you to Mr Brian Moulds (Chair of Governors) who came in and kick started the project with an inspirational talk about making profit and how to start up a business from scratch.  The children have decided to put their profits to new PE equipment on the bottom playground.  Thank you children!

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  • Mayor of Haslemere opens new fitness equipment

    Published 27/04/18

    The Mayor of Haslemere opened the new fitness equipment and playground markings on Monday 24th April with a special ceremony involving the School Council, House Captains and Sports Leaders.  The Head Boy and Head Girl made a speech and helped Mrs Barnes to give the Mayor a tour of the new equipment and of the rest of the school.  It was a fantastic event enjoyed by all. 

    We would like to thank The National Lottery for providing £10,000 of funding for this special project.

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  • Snow Break!

    Published 19/03/18

    4NH enjoying a little play in the snow this afternoon!

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  • Year 3 Movie Premier Workshops

    Published 28/02/18

    The red carpet was laid in the Year 3 classrooms for the screenings of children's movies created through our creative English lessons earlier this term.  Popcorn was handed out and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves!

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  • Young Voices - a wonderful whole school experience!

    Published 11/12/17

    262 of Shottermill Juniors' pupils, staff and volunteers went along this year to Young Voices 2018 at the 02 arena on Thursday 1st February.  The children were joined by some incredible performers and learnt 34 different individual songs to perform to the huge crowd of parents - including over 90 of our own supporters!

    We would like to thank all of the children for their excellent behaviour, the adults for accompanying the trip and the volunteers who came along too.  The children had an incredible experience that we know will last a lifetime. 

    Please go the galleries section of the website to view the pictures!

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  • School Council meet with the kitchen team.

    Published 30/11/17

    On Wednesday 29th November, the School Council met with members of the kitchen team to view the new changes that had been made to the kitchen following the building work in the summer holidays.  They also participated in some food tasting to give their views on the current and future menus that will be on offer.  Thank you to Janet from Surrey Commercial Services for working with us to improve the school meals and lunchtime experience for our children. Please go to our gallery for more pictures!

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  • CD Recording Day

    Published 13/11/17

    Striking a chord, pupils at Shottermill Junior School have managed to record their very first CD entitled 'Musical Memories'.  Their choirs 'Harmony in Red' and 'Just Us Boys' feature on the track list and there are some impressive whole school numbers also.  More photos from the day can be viewed in the gallery.

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