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School News

Page 5

  • Pony Pals

    Published 26/05/16

    Last week we were very excited here at Shottermill to welcome Mr Kipling, a very lovely little Donkey who came to visit us from Pony Pals.

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  • The Queen's 90th Birthday Parade

    Published 26/04/16

    On Saturday 23rd April 2016, we teamed up with the Infant school and joined the parade from Lion Green to Haslemere town centre  as ”Shottermill Evacuees”, representing the 1940’s, one of the nine decades of the Queens life.

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  • Fishbourne Roman Palace

    Published 07/03/16

    Last week year 4 visited Fishbourne Roman Palace near Chichester.  The children enjoyed becoming Roman slaves for the day and learned some everyday skills, as people would have 2000 years ago!

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  • Able Maths Day

    Published 27/02/16

    Shottermill success at the Able Maths Day workshop


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  • Year 5 latest trip

    Published 25/02/16

    Year 5 enjoyed a fun packed day on Wednesday at the Winchester science centre and planetarium. It was a brilliant hands on learning experience coupled with an interactive planetarium show!

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  • Land Art Project

    Published 05/02/16

    The children who were in school on Thursday took part in a range of activities including a Land Art Project.

    Mrs Wilson was inspired by the work of Land Artist Richard Long, after seeing some of his exhibits. The children were shown photos of his pieces and discussed the use of colour and texture in the natural object that he gathers.
    The children were then able to gather their own materials from the school grounds











    For the full story please click on this link


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  • Football

    Published 25/01/16

    A great end to 2015 with a fantastic start to our football season:

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  • Y6 Drumming workshop

    Published 23/10/15

    On Monday 28th September Year 6 had the pleasure of learning from Jim Bernadin at a Chinese Drumming workshop about Luogu Chinese drumming using drums and gongs. 

    This workshop tied in with the Chinese Mid-Autumn 'Moon' Festival, or Harvest Festival) which we also learned about in English, 

    Miss Kanaan and I were most impressed when we watched the children perform in the afternoon and the day was a huge success. Here are some of their performances.

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  • Our New House Captains Autumn 2015

    Published 29/09/15


    Introducing our new House Captains for Autumn 2015!


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  • World Book Day

    Published 17/03/15

    Children Celebrating World Book Day

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  • David Shepherd Wildlife Art and Poetry Competition

    Published 09/02/15

    We are enormously proud of all our children who entered into our Art and Poetry competition which was entitled ‘We can heal our world’.  The children interpreted this in a range of different ways through 3D work, pictures and powerful poems and words.  We have now submitted our exhibition to the competition and look forward to hearing whether we are chosen amongst the successful finalists.

    Well done to all those children whose work was not chosen on this occasion to be part of the final exhibition entry, you all worked very hard indeed. 





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  • Shottermill''s First Podcast

    Published 05/02/15

    Welcome to Shottermill Junior's Podcasting team. We are pleased to bring you our first podcast (hopefully of many more!) Enjoy listening to school news, world news, the top 5 dogs and our 'Did you know?' section! Stay tuned for our next edition after half term.

    Follow this link 


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