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School News

Page 6

  • Y5 Maths Challenge

    Published 05/02/15

    Eight of our fantastic year 5s had their maths skills tested at the Woolmer Hill Maths team challenge tonight. We entered two teams who competed against five other local schools. The teams worked very well together and all had a wonderful time. Well done year five!

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  • Anti-bullying week

    Published 24/11/14

    This week, we have been raising awareness of bullying through national Anti-Bullying week, which this year is held between 17th - 21st November in schools across the country.  Children have been finding out about what we mean by bullying (including cyber-bullying) and the steps to take if children find themselves in a situation that makes them feel uncomfortable.  We also invited in a former pupil of Shottermill Junior School, who led assemblies with all children across the different year groups and answered their questions.  Children got a lot out of the sessions and they said they were an excellent way to find out about bullying in real life situations.

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  • Primary Maths Challenge

    Published 18/11/14

    Yesterday ten children across Years 5 and 6 had to use their mathematical minds when they took part in the Primary Maths Challenge. During the forty-five minute challenge, the children competed against others from schools within Surrey. All children will be presented with a certificate for their efforts and some will have the chance to progress to the Primary Maths Challenge Bonus Round which will be held in February 2014.

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  • House Captains Autumn 2014

    Published 13/11/14

    Introducing our new house captains!

    Water: Tallulah and Louis Fire: Grace and Fraser
    Earth: Georgia and Joseph Air: Lottie and Rory


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  • Super School Council

    Published 12/11/14

    This afternoon two school councillors from each of the schools in our confederation met to discuss important issues such as the core values of the confederation, ways to improve our school as well as looking at the opportunities our schools offer for children in terms of leadership. It was a very successful session and we all picked up some excellent ideas that we will be sharing in our schools.





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  • Lifeboat Safety Talk

    Published 10/11/14

    On Monday Year 6 were visited by a representative from the RNLI. He explained how to stay safe on the coast and near to water. The talk was fascinating and there were a lot of practical activities that supported their learning and raised their awareness of the importance of safety and dangers at the beach. 
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  • a brighter playground

    Published 05/11/14

    A huge thank you to Mrs Fox and her team of young helpers who gave up their time over half term to get creative with pots of paint and paint brushes in our playground. It's looking good!

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  • Year 6 Football Tournament

    Published 15/10/14

    Match report on the year 6 tournament at Tillingbourne.

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  • Gardening Club News

    Published 14/05/14

    Gardening Club parents and friends spent a weekend volunteering to create a set of fantastic raised beds for the club to use.

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  • Our New School Council

    Published 25/09/13

    Meet our new School Council. These are the children who have been chosen to represent everybody at School Council Meetings - where ideas for changes to our school can be presented and discussed.



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  • September ECAs Start

    Published 16/09/13



    Our very popular "Extra Curriculum Activities"  in which the children choose which activity they would like to participate in for the term in session times have started up once again. There is a wonderful range of different activities for the children to choose from - from lego to cooking, from film making to knitting - plus many more! Look at our photo gallery by clicking on the link ECA gallery

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  • Confederation Sports Day

    Published 03/07/13

    Our children participated in the Confederation Sports Day this week. See below for the full report... 

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