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School News

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  • 'Battle of the Bands' Whole School Production 9th / 10th July

    Published 17/05/24
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  • Year 4 Police Visit

    Published 10/05/24

    On 10th May, Year 4 welcomed along local Police officers who gave an informative and interesting talk about their role and how children can keep themsleves safe.  Mrs Hall and Mrs Loveland even ended up getting arrested! 

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  • #LetGirlsPlay

    Published 13/03/24

    On Friday 8th March - International Women's Day - we had a very exciting day in school!

    As part of #LetGirlsPlay (an FA initiative), the girls were given coaching by some students from Godalming College who are PE students and football players themselves.

    The coaching was brilliant and the girls learnt some great new skills. Many of them commented that they enjoyed the session so much that they now wish to join a football club.

    Huge thanks to Godalming College and the girls who all participated so enthusiastically. 

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  • Year 5 attend HHH Classical Concerts

    Published 07/11/23

    During October, our Year 5 classes went to two HHH Concerts at St Christopher's Church, Haslemere, to appreciate Classical Musicians perform to the highest possible standard.  Children found the experience fascinating and enjoyable, with some saying the music was relaxing and made them feel calm and able to focus.  Some children also found that the concerts helped them to feel inspired to develop their own musicianship and instrument playing outside of school.  We would like to extend our thanks to HHH concerts for funding this opportunity and inviting us along.

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  • New Sports Crew

    Published 30/10/23

    well done to our new Sports Crew who undertook their training at Guildford Spectrum earlier this month. The children had the opportunity to take part in a variety of team building activities with sports leaders from other Surrey schools. Well done to everyone involved! 

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  • Crocus planting

    Published 30/10/23
    Shottermill Junior School and Shottermill Infant School helped to plant crocus bulbs on Lion Lane, before half-term. The children all thoroughly enjoyed this, and we will look forward to the crocus flowering in the spring and helping to brighten Lion
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  • SJS 3rd place at Bohunt Sports Swim Gala

    Published 13/06/23

    SJS place a strong 3rd place out of 6 schools in local swimming gala, against Hampshire and West Sussex schools.

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  • Eco Day

    Published 26/05/23

    Eco Day at Shottermill!

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  • SJS Art Competition

    Published 30/03/23

    In March 2023, we invited all pupils from the Haslemere Confederation of Schools to participate in an Art Competition.

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  • Publications ECA

    Published 23/02/23
    During Spring 1, a number of children selected SJS Publications as their ECA. They spent their ECA time creating a newsletter to present information to parents and other children about the Spring 1 ECAs which took place at SJS. All of the chi
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  • Year 3 Haslemere Museum Visit

    Published 11/10/22

    Year 3 Ancient Egyptian Learning in History!

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  • Haslemere Hens!

    Published 20/06/22

    The children at Shottermill Junior School were delighted to be asked to design and paint a hen for Haslemere Hens 2022.

    It was decided by our Arts Council that the design process should be set as a competition. With over 70 designs submitted by the children of SJS, these were then narrowed down to the Top 20. Voting was undertaken by the whole school and DolpHen was the unanimous winner. 

    Designed by Daniel Brewer in Year 6. He based his design on his love of the ocean and dolphins; he also considered a design he felt the children could recreate themselves.

    DolpHen was painted by Daniel and the members of the Arts Council during their lunch breaks. This was a collaborative pupil lead project that the children rightly feel very proud an introduction for your news story here.

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