Year 3
Welcome to Year 3!
At the start of Year 3, our main objectives are to ensure the children settle into their new school quickly and that they begin to become independent both academically and personally. This process begins towards the end of your child's time at Infant School as we plan a host of engaging transition activities throughout the summer term as well as collaboration and communication with their previous teachers.
Throughout Year 3 the children will take part in lessons which have a cross curricular focus based around a central project such as the Ancient Egyptians, Where in the UK? and the Ancient Greeks. Children will develop their reading, writing and mathematical skills and will progress along the same coloured book scheme as found at Shottermill Infant School.
The Class Teachers work hard to ensure the school trips are fun, interesting and most importantly give the children the first hand experiences needed to bring their learning to life. Do take some time to look at our Year 3 archive pages which showcase some of the work that we have been doing over the course of the year.