Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
Here in Year 4, we build on the solid foundations developed in Ye
ar 3. The children are becoming more confident and secure in their school life and they are beginning to take on more responsibility for their learning in order to be more independent.

In Maths, Year 4 children should strive to learn their tables up to 12 x tables and to become more secure in using mental and informal methods of calculation. In English, the children aim to develop their writing skills and to use more complex punctuation. Additionally, the focus is on improving handwriting so that they can begin using pens in their class work and developing more fluent reading with high levels of comprehension.
There is a fantastic opportunity in Year 4 to learn the keyboard through their music lessons. Please note, there is a charge for this activity in school and more information will be given to parents at the start of Year 4.
Key information, resources for supporting learning and letters for activities and trips can be downloaded below.